Sneak peek!

The year 2013 nears its end. It brought me the wonderful discovery of fine chocolate and lots of great discoveries and tastes.

Thanks for reading my chocolate reviews, I’m baffled by the amount of viewers who have visited my little blog, showing nothing but my view on this delicious dark gold.

So what has been popular so far? J.D. Gross tops the list. Yep, the origin bars sold at the Lidl chain sure intrigue a lot of people.

I just hope they prove to be a step up to the really good stuff.

Next in line, to my surprise, is Hilde Devolder chocolatier, my favorite chocolate shop in Ghent. I’m sure Geert Vercruyssen, another Belgian chocolatier with eye for quality chocolate will catch up soon. Somehow more of my Belgian countrymen are looking into fine chocolate than meet the eye. Keep it up!

And next are the really fine chocolate makers, pretty equally divided. Seems you people appreciate what I’m trying to do here by putting down my personal experiences when tasting their products. I can only try to make you curious, so you’d try for yourself, right? You won’t be disappointed.

So, with the turn of the year in view, I can give you a little sneak preview of some things to come!

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And that’s only the latest catch.

So stay tuned for more news from the chocolate world.



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